In recent society, many people whatever they are adults or children, a plenty of them choose English as their second language. They may be learning the target in every social place such as school or workplace. Besides, the author mentions that the learner is like "inner mental mechanisms" that can processing, learning and storing new language knowledge. In fact, there are two groups which is the cognitive and affective can be defined the difference between individual learner. For example, in the factors, there are three factors has been thought which is intelligence, language aptitude and language learning strategies. On the affective factors, language attitudes, motivation and language anxiety also has been thought. Also, interest and characteristic are influencing the learner as social being (Mitchell & Myles, pp. 17-20).
As a language learner, I really think to be a language learner is like "inner mental mechanisms". The reason is to be a successful learner should have some strategies can be used. For example, there are four parts are distinguished such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. A good language learner should learn it step by step. In addition, personality also is an important part can influence the learner like motivation and anxiety attitude. However, maybe someone say that intelligence and aptitude is also a reason can decide the one is good or not, I am not agreeing with it. Because there is no statistics can exactly show in this world how many people can use this “gift” to become a successful language learner.
As a language learner, I really think to be a language learner is like "inner mental mechanisms". The reason is to be a successful learner should have some strategies can be used. For example, there are four parts are distinguished such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. A good language learner should learn it step by step. In addition, personality also is an important part can influence the learner like motivation and anxiety attitude. However, maybe someone say that intelligence and aptitude is also a reason can decide the one is good or not, I am not agreeing with it. Because there is no statistics can exactly show in this world how many people can use this “gift” to become a successful language learner.
When I met you first time, what...frankly speaking...I thought you are not such a good student.But!!! after that,my thought was totally changed. You are the one of the best learner ever I've ever seen. Yor are very honest and have incredible passion to learn.I love your passion.It makes me more passionate than I used to be. It's very lucky for me to meet you here.
I'm definitely sure that you'll be a great English speaker.
Hi Edwin,
I'm totally agree with David that you are a good learner, you have your own passion and motivation. you are very brave to express you thought. I'm very lucky to meet you here sice last quarter.
I'm look forward to seeing your blog and reading your personal comment.
Pitta. :)
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